The assignment is to listen to a song, and to paint whatever comes to mind. I am not able to paint actual objects. Instead, I need to paint lines, and use colors that go well with the song; for example, a happy song would use warm colors. I'll succeed by painting the feelings of the song, rather than objects.
This is a practice sketch that I created using one of Mr. Meserve's song he played. The song was a mixing of both light and dark feelings, so I used all colors. It wasn't a smooth tune either, which is why I painted lines that were wiggly or jagged. I could improve by filling up more of the white areas, and also, by blending the colors more, instead of leaving them in their own area.

This is my final, and I created it with the instumental version of the song, Sail by Awolnation. The song had mostly a darker feel to it, though there were some parts that lifted up a bit, hence the cool colors, besides the yellow curved lines. Also, the music was pretty soothing, except for a couple of movements, which is why I added the zig-zag lines. The purple shades striking out from the center create a smooth, but sharp look. Also, the swirl to the center represents how the song captures you.. This was my first sketch (I lost the paper I drew it on), and I really like this creation and think it is very successful.

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