This assignment is similar to the "Line Movement"; I need to create movement and depth with shapes and/or patterns. The goals are to draw a pattern of a certain shape in different sizes to create a two-dimensional drawing that appears to be three-dimensional. If I am able to do so, then my final will be a sucess!
First Sketch
I came up with my first sketch by drawing circle close together, then I thought to make them different sizes to seem as if they were getting farther away. I tried, and accomplished my goals in this first sketch, but in all honesty, I disliked drawing it because it was boring to me. So, to improve, I decided to come up with a new design that I would like to draw, since art is about expressing oneself.

The second and third sketch just came out of nowhere, seriously. I kind of have a spiral idea in my head, but I didn't really want to do that because my circles would have to be almost perfect to look good. Then i just sort of drew this. I knew that to show movement and depth, the oval had to get bigger. The third sketch was when I came up with the idea, and the fourth, I improved upon it through organizing it a bit more by and drawing the shapes from a point to appear as if they were extending from that piont, farther away.

Fourth Sketch
Final Drawing
This is my successful final drawing because it protrays all the objectives needed for this assignment. When you look at it, your eyes instantly see these shapes extending close to you from a farther away point. It looks like there are shapes behind others as well, showing depth. I colored  inbetween some of the sahpes with my pencil so it wouldn't look two-dimensional and above shapes were casting a shadow onto the ones below. And the best part about these shapes, I had fun drawing them! (:

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