The assignment is to create my own version of an Eyvind Earle painting. The goal is to not copy one of his masterpieces, but using the same techniques he uses. I'll be successful by accomplishing the goals and using small dots to create texture and depth.
This here was my first sketch. I thought of this idea by just going through some of his work, trying to get a feel for what my task was. His work mostly constisted of landscapes and trees. I liked the idea of it, but I felt it was too squished and needed to be changed. So I improved it by making it horizontal, and adding in more objects.

This is my second sketch, which is also the sketch I used for my final. I added  a tree trunk in the foreground, and hills in the background.This looks like Eyvind Earle's work because of the round trees, hills in the background, and the trunk that is in the forground. I definitely like this layout better.

This is my final piece. While painting it, I had made some changes. The tree trunk only has one limb coming off of it, and there aren't so many trees (I wanted to keep it simpler). I think I could have improved my grass, made it a little darker by the trees to show depth, and maybe added dots as well.This is successful because it's my creation, but it has the technique of Earle, especially with the tree trunk and shape of the trees behind.

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