The assignment for this project was to color (paint, oil pastels, etc.) a self portrait with an intense emotion on my face. My goal is to have the veiwer recognize the emotion I'm portraying through my masterpiece. I will suceed by carefully drawing the creases and darkening the showdow areas of my face.
I came up with this sketch my thinking of the most intense emotion, which I think is anger, so I pretended to be screaming out of anger. I tried to accoplish making a 2-D face appear angry and 3-D through the use of shading. The eye area could use some improving; shade better and capture the natural eye wrinkles.

This sketch was made by using the same expression, but moving my head to a different angle. I actually don't think this sketch is better than my first, but it's good considering it shows the shadows and highlights in different ways. The nose could of have been shaded better and drawn more proportionately. Also, the eyes are a bit far apart.

This accomplishs the goals set by showing depth with shadows and highlights, although, I'll admit that there should have been more shading. Even though it still looks a little 2-D, this was a successful painting. It's a portrait of myself with an angry expression, which is clear. Some depth is shown with the different colors for the shadows and highlights. You can see the hair isn't one solid color.

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