Every artist has a different style or message they want to get across. As a student in the advanced art class, I was able to express myself through my creations. For my themed project, I chose the outdoors.
    I made four pieces relating to my theme. Each piece was a painting that had a posturized effect. The first was of me driving my fathers 4-runner over rocks in the mountains. the second was of my father's friend in the 4-wheeling club, driving his jeep in the snow. The third is of a fire around dusk, and last but not least, is a picture of a hiking trail I took in Gold Basin.
    Three of the pictures were taken by me or my family, and the fire picture was taken off the internet. I used the ipads that were available in the class room and edited each one in an app called "PS Express". I increased the saturation on contrast several times over. this created a colorful, but without details picture. Shadows were replaced with black, and colors became much more prominent. Low-lights were replaced with darkness (black) and high-lights were replaced by bright colors. After editing, I would chose the size of paper and replicate it.
    My theme I chose was the outdoors, specifically things my family does while camping, like 4-wheeling, hiking, and building a fire. These are the best memories I have because I enjoy it so much. Now that I am old enough to drive, 4-wheeling has become one of my favorite things to do. Ever since I was young, I have been the one in my family to build the fires. I enjoy it because it is like a puzzle (getting the fire to start), and you must take care of it so it can grow. Also, reaching the top of a mountain is very self awarding. I always feel great once I see the amazing view I worked for.
    Most of my inspiration comes from nature and its beauty. I'm glad I was able to share my muse with others. Hopefully it will encourage them to share their own creativity with the rest of

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    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    June 2013

